Hero Name

Mid-ranged Summoner

Attack Information

Glyphic Gloves
Base DPS: ~572.5
Attack Range: 1100
Attack Radius: 300
Projectile Speed: 1000
Heat Buildup: 95

 Weapon Damage +24
Weapon Damage +10
Weapon Damage +14
Weapon Damage +24
Heat Buildup -6
Heat Buildup -10
Heat Buildup -12
Heat Buildup -14
Projectile Speed +60
Projectile Speed +40
Projectile Speed +60
Projectile Speed +80

Mana Drain

successfully hitting enemies with Arami's skills marks targets briefly, allowing her next weapon attack to steal 75 MP from them.



Creates an illusion that pulls enemies towards it. When the illusion is created, Arami becomes untargetable for 0.3 seconds and stealthed for 2 seconds. +100% movespeed while stealthed.

Glyph: Binding

Glyph: Binding

After a brief delay, enemies crossing the glyph will trigger it and become bound. The glyph lasts for 2 seconds.

Combo: Instantly activates the glyph

Skill Cooldown -1 Sec
MP Consumption -10
Increases binding duration by +0.5 Seconds
Skill Cooldown -1 Sec
MP Consumption -10
Inflicts Poison damage over time
Glyph: Binding

Glyph: Animate Golem

Animates a golem of molten stone with powerful Glyphs.

This otherworldly ally will follow Arami and attack nearby enemies for 10 seconds.

Increases Golem's Durability
Increases Golem's Durability
Golem's Duration +4 Seconds
Increases Golem's Durability
Increases Golem's Durability
Golem will now periodically use an AoE damage skill